R&D for optical geophysical sensors at the end of optical fiber
Optical fiber also allows to perform data acquisition inland while using sensors installed on the sea floor in remote open water. In the last years, IPGP & ESEO partners have developed an original approach for interrogating sensors at the end of long optical fibers, using Fabry-Perot interferometry. A first system is now operational inland with a seismometer. R&D within MARMOR will extend former developments to additional sensors for permanent, continuous multi-sensor monitoring at the sea floor. The project will:
Acquire qualified optoelectronic interrogators (LOKI) to operate and test the various optical prototype sensors developed during the MARMOR project (Host: IPGP/ESEO)
Conduct R&D (including marinization and field tests) on new pressiometer and tiltmeter sensor prototypes for geodesy (the project will fund wetmettable optical sensors) (Host: IPGP/ENS).